Car accidents seem to be more of an occurring thing happening lately. When you picture a car crash happening, most would envision two or more cars crashing into each other. In reality, they can involve factors like hitting a deer instead of another car. The Insurance Information Institute stated that 1.6 million deer-vehicle collisions happen each year, which result in around 200 deaths, thousands of injuries, and over $3.6 billion in damage to vehicles. You should always be prepared for this possibly, and if you listen to the tips below, you could avoid being a part of the statistics.
1. Watch for the entire gang: Deer rarely travel alone, they are pack animals. If you see a deer in your upcoming path chances are there are more to come. You should slow down your vehicle and keep an eye out for any movement that could be potentially be the rest of the pack.
2. Timing is essential: Deer are definitely most active at dawn and dusk times which means it’s pretty dim lighting. On top of that, they mate during the months of October- January when you travel at those times more frequently. Again, keep an open eye and be alert.
3. Wear your seatbelt: Yes, you should always wear a seatbelt, but you can be seriously injured if you run into a deer. Wearing your seatbelt ultimately will not prevent the crash from happening, but it can help reduce the damage done.
4. Watch for signs: First, look for road signs. The signs will be a yellow diamond shape with a deer in the center. That means it is a very high traffic area for deer. Not only will the signs help, but the deer itself will do you a favor as well. Their eyes will actually reflect the headlights on your car.
5. Stay center: If you are on a multi-lane road, try to stay in the center lane. That could help you avoid the deer collision. Staying center gives the deer the space they need, and gives you more time to react if you do startle them.
6. Stay on course: If you see a deer, brake firmly, but calmly. It is so important to stay in your own lane, and try not to swerve, it could cause more damage. Deer are unpredictable, and could end up swerving the way you do if you were to swerve as well.
7. Honk: Some experts recommend to honk as it will scare the deer off. However, you should not just rely on honking because studies have shown that it is not the most effective thing that can be done when you encounter a deer.
If you do end up colliding with a deer, pull to the side of the road if possible, turn on your hazards, and call 911 right away. While you’re waiting stay away from the deer regardless of its state. It could be confused, injured, or dangerous. Be sure to let the authorities know if the deer is in a dangerous spot on the road too. Be sure to get in contact with your insurance company as soon as possible to let them know about any vehicle damage.
Avoid Hitting a Deer